

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). It is a quick procedure with few to no adverse effects. It has quickly gained popularity among cosmetic medical providers across the country. Using a scalpel and a delicate touch, the provider simply abrades the surface of the skin using light feathering strokes. Removing epidermal skin allows products to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers. Although merely an old wives’ tale, many patients are often concerned that the hair will grow back heavier and darker after dermaplaning. This is not the case. As long as the hair is superficial vellus hair, it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before the treatment.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“It is my favorite thing to do for my skin! Your skin feels baby soft! All your facial products really sink in…with no peach fuzz blocking the way! LOVE IT!!! –WHS, RSM, CA