PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Home PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Get smoother, younger skin by adding PRP to your treatment

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) can be used to create beautiful volume and lift to the skin, just like dermal fillers. The difference is that your own body is regenerating to create the volume over time. This natural approach creates a youthful shape to the face and is a favorite of our injectors for the under-eye area.

After your blood is drawn and spun down in our centrifuge, it is then artfully injected back into the skin. The blood helps you grow new tissue, smoothing your skin’s texture. It also encourages the growth of new blood vessels, increasing microcirculation and providing you with a beautiful radiant complexion! For more immediate results, you can combine this treatment with other dermal fillers and with PRP!

What You Can Expect After You Get a PRP Treatment:

  • Restored Volume
  • Increased Lift, Firmness and Tightness
  • Natural And Regenerative With Minimal Downtime

Reasons to add PRP to Your Treatment:

  • Desire For a More Natural Approach to Rejuvenation: There is nothing more natural than your own blood! Using your own blood eliminates any possibility of allergic reactions and transmissible infections.
  • Increase Skin Vibrancy And Elasticity
  • Lift Sagging Skin And Restore Lost Volume
  • Smooth Uneven Texture